Journal of canadian 'alt-folk-rock' singer songwriter Sall Gibson.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Peace and Quiet

I still feel like I am on the plane, the ground moving beneath my chair. The plane was loaded with Hamilton Ticat Fans heading out for the Grey Cup. While waiting to board the plane I found myself sitting with several free ticket winners, including a women that won the 'Greatest Fan Contest'. Amusing group.

I am back in Vancouver again, enjoying the peace and quiet of an empty condo. It took some creative maneuvering but I found a parking spot for my van and a ride downtown. My new van is now too high to fit in the underground parking garage!

This past week has been a blur. At some point amidst the flying, family and funeral I turned another year older. I wish the circumstances surrounding my trip to Ontario had been different, but it still was nice seeing everyone. I couldn't ask for a more supportive family.

This weekend I am going to relax and enjoy the city. Monday brings a photo shoot for the new cd cover art. Tuesday brings the start of my trip to Prince Rupert, then a show at the Crest Hotel. Right now I am headed for a shower and dinner.

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About Me

Emerging 'alt-folk-rock' singer songwriter.