Journal of canadian 'alt-folk-rock' singer songwriter Sall Gibson.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Happy Holidays

It's 1:30 on the afternoon of Christmas Eve. I am sitting in a small coffeeshop in Prince Rupert. I just finished my last minute grocery shopping and am about to head home. It's pouring rain and cold snow for us on the horizon. I realized during my shopping, that although I have spent many Christmas in British Columbia I have not spent one in Rupert. So with open arms I am embracing my first rainy Coastal Christmas!

Tonight I am attending an 'orphans Dinner' hosted by a friend for those without family in town. Tomorrow I am sleeping in and will spend the afternoon driving around town visiting with friends.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas.


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About Me

Emerging 'alt-folk-rock' singer songwriter.