Journal of canadian 'alt-folk-rock' singer songwriter Sall Gibson.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

The Next 12 Months

Planning, Planning, Planning. It seems like things are starting to fall into place for the next 12 months. On tap, is at least one more ski hill show, possibly a stint on BC Ferries, a gig at the Crest and the Rotary Fish dinner. Plus a slew of coffeeshop shows on Vancouver and Queen Charlotte Island. Then shows across Canada throughout the summer. And hopefully a trip to England, Germany and Austria for the Fall and Christmas. It's been a rewarding organizing all of these shows.

I am in Seattle at the moment. Did I say that in my last entry? I am sitting in a Bookstore/ Community Centre/ Food Court that is jam packed with people, smells and interesting things to look. There is a 'Spring Flower Fair' going on and there are little kids running around and crawling under the tables. It's a energizing place to work.

I mentioned in an earlier blog that my van needed to go in for repairs. Not too much damage. My back emergency brake was seized causing the wheel to lock and I had a caliper on the front right that needed to be changed as well. It's all fixed and driving smoothly!

Off to work.


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About Me

Emerging 'alt-folk-rock' singer songwriter.